Last update : 17th February 2021, 14:54
3320822 visitors have come to this site since 14th July 2011.
Excellent website where I could look up a lot about Djangos music. Thanks a lot !!
May I draw your attention to the piece "Love's Melody." The entry (personnel= cannot be right.
I guess it might be
Django Reinhardt et son Quintette
Michel de Villier (cl & as);
Eddie Bernard (p);
Django Reinhardt (g solo);
Joseph Reinhardt (g);
Willy Lockwood (b);
Al Craig (dm)
Kind regards
This is a WONDERFUL website!! I just made use of it by looking up the recordind data of my all in all 22 Django 78s....
Thank you VERY much!
Hello Hikaru,
thank you very much for your great work. This chordbook ist absolut perfect. Easy chords for the beginners with a top design.
I missed Bossa Dorado and For Sephora. Both easy tunes I started playing gipsy guitar.
Please add to your chordbook:
Bossa Dorado