Last update : 17th February 2021, 14:54
3304899 visitors have come to this site since 14th July 2011.
Dear Hikaru,
I'm a guitarmaker from Holland. I've made several gipsy guitars for Japanese players. Maybe you know a good guitarshop in Japan that is interested in handmade gipsy guitars. I think it will be good when Japanese players can try my instruments in a few shops.
Thank you very much
Have a nice day
There is no text file because the system is using database.
And it is displayed by using special web font.
Try to save each score window as pdf file by using Mac OS X.
Hello, yes, I noticed. But that's a lot of work to bring every song into a doc file. I've to open the print-window, get the print by copy-past, put it into Paint and save it as a jpg-file to paste it then into a doc-file.
Maybe you have all this song elswere as a file?
Pleease :-) and thanks again
Each page of my chordbook has "Click here to open window for printing this score" link.
Hello Kikaru,
thank you again for this chordbook. I had and have a lot of fun.
I asked you before, I want to bring it into a printed book.
Thats because I want to stop using my PC or want to reduce this
behauvior and I prefer the chords on my table or sofa.
Can you help me?
Did you have the chords as a text file like pdf or doc?
Only for privat use!